With Sean Brennan, Lisa Strelein and George Williams
Australia’s first peoples are on the lowest rung of Australian society and are largely locked out of the wealth of a very affluent country. This book takes a fresh, practical look at whether modern treaty-making between Indigenous peoples and government in Australia is feasible and whether a treaty could help Australia solve some of these practical problems – as well as problems of principle.
In doing so, it looks at the successes and failures of treaties in the United States, Canada and New Zealand. Treaty challenges readers to take seriously the question whether, after the Mabo case and the Reconciliation movement, Australia too should go down the treaty path.
"A careful and considered work… Treaty does away with the false dichotomy that Australia has a choice between symbolic and what the Federal Government has dubbed "practical reconciliation". Instead, the authors argue persuasively, we can and should have both, and further, a treaty can serve the dual purpose of being a meaningful gesture and having a material effect. "
Lorien Kaye The Age